Heart of Wellness 2.0 Self Study is a comprehensive program into health, lifestyle, and blissful living based on the logical and algorithmic approach of Āyurveda and supported by discoveries in modern science. It brings forth the complete understanding that well-regulated physiology contributes to neuro-hormonal balance and plays a crucial role in health and personal growth. The structure of the program allows participants to bring about transformation in all areas of life through practical application. This self-paced course comes from the research and wisdom of Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan and is a significant upgrade from the previously available Heart of Wellness course, with brand-new and exciting materials and concepts taught by Dr. Chinnaiyan.

Who is this program for?

  • Anyone who wishes to understand the power of their body and mind and to harness it for healing and personal growth.
  • For anyone who wishes to pursue further studies with Svatantra Institute; this program is a prerequisite for several long-term programs of the institute.
  • Health and wellness practitioners who wish to deepen their understanding of wellness and support their clients.
  • Yoga teachers who wish to bring a systematic way of integrating health and wellness into their teaching repertoire.
  • Spiritual practitioners who wish to integrate a disciplined lifestyle into their practice to deepen their spiritual path.

What’s included*:

  • Six classes with Dr. Chinnaiyan.
  • Extensive course materials.

What’s not included:

  • The Heart of Wellness book. You will need to purchase the book before the course begins.

    *Note that all classes and course materials will be available for 90 days from registration


The guidelines in this program are designed by a medical doctor and are specific to the Heart of Wellness Self-Study course. While the general principles of Āyurveda on which the book and course are based are not any one person's property, the specific way in which the principles are sequenced is unique to this program. As such, the details of this program are not to be shared outside of the program.

Please know that Dr. Chinnaiyan and Svatantra Institute cannot be held responsible for any deleterious effects on health or wellness.


6 Classes with Dr. Chinnaiyan
Extensive course materials
Extensive additions to previous HOW course

Please note that there is no discount if you have taken the first self-study course. No discounts once purchased.
Please consider carefully if you want the course before purchase. Thank you.