decrypting you through the lalitā sahasranāma: A free biweekly series
The thousand names of Lalitā Devī contain all the secrets of the universe!
Each nāma (name) encapsulates a uniquely charged vibration that reveals itself through many layers of obvious meanings as our clarity and understanding increase. At each level, we open to its beauty with an awestruck "A-ha!"
Join us in this FREE biweekly series where we explore Devī's nāmas in exquisite and unique ways, bringing together science, technology, physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy and mysticism. Most importantly, we understand how to apply the teaching in daily life.
In addition to these sessions, you're invited to join our growing community of like-minded practitioners to discuss the teachings and their applications.
Meetings take place on Zoom. Please register HERE. Please note that meeting recordings are sent only to those who have registered.
To view the first few sessions, follow THIS LINK.
Join our private Facebook Group, Living Shakti for discussions with like-minded practitioners.
Please note that this series does not get into learning how to chant the Lalitā Sahasranāma, nyāsa and other procedures associated with learning and understanding it.
To learn nyāsa and verse-by-verse chanting, check out the self-study course, The Thousand Names of Lalitā.
To understand the fundamental principles of Śrīvidyā through selected verses of the Lalitā Sahasranāma, check out the self-study course, Glorious Alchemy.
Image: Artist: C. Kondiah Raju
Testimonials From Participants:
I feel blessed joining the series! pranams to you! i am 76 , initiated to Lalitha by my guru way back. i find you words reverberate wherever i had questions and clarification and running like a river by reading and listening to your work! bless you!
What a beautiful class. Very clear and with so much dept, love to hear how you explain this. Thank you.
Utmost gratitude for the wonderful and deep explanations.
Mindblowing!!!! Thank you from Germany.
Thank you so much for uploading these videos, it's very insightful and inspiring.
Kavitha is very fierce, yet she shines so bright with wisdom that penetrates the heart so effortlessly.
This is so beautiful - moving me to tears - understanding Her Iccha Shakti, Jnana Shakti and Kriya Shakti as everything that we do and live in - have to listen to this again and again and meditate - thank you Kavitha Amma