Artwork: Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan

Once a month, we are gifted with a highly potent time for inner/spiritual work. These nights/days follow the new moon every month, known as Navarātra (nava = 9, rātri = night). 

Four of these Navarātras each year are considered especially auspicious for spiritual aspirants. 

There are many stories and legends associated with Navarātra, however, the most important aspect of this time is the evolution of consciousness. We can move from the depths of inertia, stagnation, and deeply embedded self-sabotaging patterns towards freeing dynamism and profound stillness infused with sweetness and contentment.

Navarātra supercharges our practice with vigor, enthusiasm, and powerful cosmic energy.

In these times of unrelenting engagement with work, family, and a constant stream of stressors, Navarātra can become a steady anchor that brings us back to our life purpose, our intention for practice and study, and provides the much-needed respite from the non-stop barrage of to-do lists and tasks.

The Navarātra retreat provides a framework for delving deep into meditative practices, rituals, and satsaṅga to deepen resting in higher states of consciousness.  

MEDITATION & Kālī Mahāvidyā

Ordinarily, even long-term meditation practitioners can have little time to move past the many obstacles to practice, including the art of sitting still, the arising of physical discomfort, dealing with mind noise, and finally, resting in meditative repose. To understand one’s mind and conditioned patterns, it is important to retreat into a structured practice of spending progressively greater amounts of time on the meditation instructions.

The beauty of this structure is that it can then become a model for independent long-term practice while bringing the teachings and insights into where it matters - the moment-to-moment unfolding of life. In this way, life and sādhana inform each other. Eventually, the difference between the two dissolves, and all that remains is the continuous opening to the beauty of life. 

On this retreat, the emphasis will be on meditation, with instructions to prolong sitting time, eventually up to 6 hours a day in blocks of time as instructed by Kavithaji. 

The sitting practices will be complemented by the facilitated self-study and exploration of Kālī through the previously recorded Kālī Mahāvidyā Self-Study Course. In addition to meditative practices, the retreat will include fire rituals, worship, and discussion.

Kālī Mahāvidyā Self-Study Course

We will delve deep into the adoration and vidyā (wisdom) of Kālī, the first Mahāvidyā (Great Wisdom). Utilizing the Kālī yantra as a reference point, we will explore the history, iconography, practice, and higher understanding of this great goddess. Importantly, this course will provide the basis for meeting Kālī in our day-to-day mundane life.

Who is this dark, fierce goddess? What is the significance of her iconography? Why is she the prototypical Mahāvidyā? What is a Mahāvidyā, anyway? What is with all the blood and gore, and how is all this relevant to our life and spiritual practice? These are some of the many questions we will explore in this course, every day inching a little closer to the great goddess until we are ready to offer up our necks to her raised sword.


Application is required for acceptance to the retreat. The application deadline is June 15, 2024 (or until all spots are filled) Apply Here

Meditation experience of at least 6 months in any method. 

Bliss Meditation-Free enrollment:

 Shakti Rising: Embracing Shadow and Light on the Goddess Path to Wholeness by Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan is HIGHLY recommended to understand the course material.                     


Dates: July 6-15th 2024

Location: Svaguhā Retreat Center (Outside of Detroit, Michigan, USA)

The Navarātra 2024 Retreat includes:

Progressive Meditation up to Several Hours Every day

Daily facilitated practices

Daily chanting and yantra learning sessions

Guided meditations, rituals and satsaṅgas with Kavithaji

Homework and other materials

All sessions will be recorded and other materials will be available to review all year

Participant OPTIONS:

1) In-person stay at Svaguhā Retreat Center (near Detroit), Michigan with shared accommodations (2 per room), two meals a day, and all sessions. This option is limited to 4 women participants only. $2499.00

2) In-person, no accommodation, two meals a day and all sessions: $1999.00

3) Online, access to all sessions: $1299.00

cancellations and refunds

There is a non-refundable deposit of $500.

No refunds within 30 Days of the retreat.