April 10

Circle of Light by Kavitha Chinnaiyan


 April 10

Find your place in the circle of light

Oh, my sweet, precious, innocent one

Standing there, wide-eyed with wonder

A little bold, a little shy, a lot unsure 

Of your place in this confusing world

They’re teaching you to hate your body

It’s too big here and a little flat there

Whatever it is, it will never be perfect

You’re learning fast to hide it well. 

They’re teaching you to doubt your mind

It’s too sharp here and a bit cutting there

Whatever it is, it’s just not right

You’re learning fast to dismiss yourself.

They’re training you to shut your heart

It’s too trusting here and a bit slutty there

Whatever it is, it’s simply all wrong

You’re learning fast to become jaded.

If only you can know what I know now

The astounding things your body can do

Dancing in ecstatic rhythms of sun and moon

Even as you work, breathe, birth and love.

If only you could fathom clearly

The infinite facets of your brilliant mind

That will heal, shift and move mountains

Shattering chains by its silent power

If only you can see the sparkling beauty

And the vastness of your infinite heart

As painful as it is, it will break wide open 

Spilling over the world its radiant light

Although it seems now, little one

That the burden of the world is upon you

You are born for true greatness

But it’s not because of what you do.

It’s merely because of who you are.

With your imperfect belly, skin, and nose  

Your too-much mind and slutty heart,

You’re extraordinary in every way.

The most important thing you can do

Is to become defiant in your being

Don’t accept lies about your birth and self

Resolve to discover the truth yourself

You’re born of the stars and skies

Don’t lose yourself in the wrong and right

Discard their ideas and opinions of you

And take your place in the circle of light.

Image: Anirban Bhattacharya/istockphoto

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