Shakti Rising

In this course, we will explore Shakti in ten of her forms known as the Mahavidyas. Building on my award-winning best-selling book, Shakti Rising, we will work with imagery, meditations, lifestyle practices and other exercises to contemplate on these goddesses, and to open to their radiant presence.


Read this book in order to understand how the swirling energies of life have meaning for you, how you may transform their shadow qualities into light qualities, and how to go beyond and see that what you truly are is awareness itself. You will emerge from this reading as you unwittingly entered: free and joyous.

Jerry Katz Editor of One: Essential Writings on Nonduality, and founder of

If you are looking for enlightened words that help you see through the ego self in a gentle, nurturing way, this is it. It’s as if Shakti is speaking through Kavitha. I just finished this book and plan to start reading it again. I highlighted practically the whole book.

Sarah Amazon Review

Shakti Rising has been eye opening experience, to say the least and does an excellent job of explaining the human layers that can be transcended, experienced and understood. It has helped me get grounded during turbulent times and also helped me learn about my own shortcomings, that otherwise would have never been uncovered. Thank you so much for being that guiding light and force, it’s been an absolutely wonderful experience to have gone through the course.

Shakti Rising” is a beautiful journey to the Self, which allows those who embark on it to courageously challenge their Shadows and to merge their undisclosed parts into the light of loving awareness. Kavitha’s knowledge is exquisite and the practices presented in this course are practical, profound and soulful. I would recommend it to any seeker of Truth and to any lover of the Goddess. Jai ma!

I have had fairly extensive learning and practical training in tantric practices but still found this course an absolute treasure trove of information, insights and knowledge coupled with the most practical, real, deep and potentially transformative homework practices I have come across. This course will definitely change peoples’ lives if applied with commitment, resolution and sincerity.

Thank you for this course. I learned so much about the Maha Vidyas, myself, Tantra, awareness and the objects in awareness. There is so much depth and wisdom in the course I filled an entire notebook. I will be returning to the book and course for years to come and will continue to learn from it.

Dasha Mahavidya: The ten (dasha) great (maha) goddesses of cosmic wisdom (vidya)

The Mahavidyas are the ten great goddesses of cosmic wisdom. These goddesses become portals to truth, beauty and sweetness in daily life, when we invoke them in specific ways. They show us the path from suffering to joy, from bondage to freedom, and from discontentment to fulfillment.

These great goddesses have been steeped in deep mystery and mysticism, rendering them inaccessible to those who may not be familiar with the tradition. The uniqueness of these goddesses is that they are relevant to every path!

Nondual Tantric Exploration of the Mahavidyas

If you’re interested in forging deeper connections with the Mahavidyas, the Shakti Rising Self-Study  Course is for you! You will dive deep into the mystery of your own being with the Mahavidyas as your subjects of worship, nondual self-inquiry, exploration and profound openings.

The goddesses will be explored via imagery, meditations, specific mantras, lifestyle practices and other exercises to open to their radiant presence. Homework assignments will be provided every week, with other helpful resources.

The course consists of 12 lessons split into 24 segments. Each lesson consists of two segments – class and homework. The class segment includes video and audio recordings of the class (usually 90 minutes long), mantra recording and a video of the altar. The homework segment includes supplemental handouts and homework. Each day, one segment is made available, and a reminder will be sent by email.

Cost: $130

What Course Participants Are Saying:

“I really appreciate this course. I know nothing about the Mahavidyas and I was amazed at how Kali came alive as I was listening to the class. I am so thrilled!”

“I can’t believe I almost didn’t sign up for it!! What a terrible loss that would have been… I think I have read and listened to everything at least 3 times. So.. consider me hooked! 🙂 I have fallen in love. I am absolutely and utterly fascinated by the Dasha Mahavidyas. And I’m not one for jumping into new practices lightly, but I feel a very deep resonance with your approach to this path. Now a new unexpected dimension opens up in the form of not one, but ten fierce goddesses! Amazing.”

“May I say how utterly, utterly beautiful the mantra recordings are. I feel moved to tears every time I listen.”

“Thank you so much Kavitha, your delivery of such a vast amount of knowledge was just perfect for me to absorb and fully receive. I have read and studied and attended many courses and workshops on my yogic path to date but your explanations – and the Shakti Rising book – truly imbed my understanding.”

“I feel a great alignment with this Shaktipat – and the gift of your teaching which I feel you embody. I am left feeling full of gratitude.”

“Thank you so much Kavitha every class unfolds a deeper understanding and embodiment. I am so glad I signed up to this course. I am and have been particularly drawn to Tara as the primordial sound – so grateful you explained her manifesting as OM in you as this was not something I had ever been told – I can relax into this now and embrace the vibration. I love all the mantras you share and use them all, my husband told me I was chanting in my sleep the last few nights so I know they are running through me constantly.”

“So grateful for Kavitha’s lovely chanting – the sweetness of the vibration of the sound and the precision of her Sanskrit.  Hearing so much bad Sanskrit in the yoga community, Kavitha’s renditions are quite refreshing!”

“I am so glad that I signed up for this course. Kavitha, the content is so rich and deep, your knowledge so extensive and nuanced, and your clear understanding of nonduality in relation to it is exactly what I was hoping for.”

“Just finished listening to class for the second time.  My heart is singing.  Kali’s love has been palpable to me for a while.  Yet this nuanced understanding about her as Time is having an unfolding liberating effect.  Thank you so much.”

“Your gift of story-telling really brings the Tara to life for me. And as always, I appreciate your insight and ability to speak to those nondual aspects of Tara and illuminate them. Thank you.”

“Kavitha, I find myself melting in the sweetness of your voice as you chant.  So kind of you to add this to our course offerings.”

“I love how you bring together here the fullness of spirituality and the richness of science.  They both meet in such beauty and magnificence!”

“Thank you so much for this amazing class, I was drawn to take it because of your distaste for the superficial and trendy teachings.  LOVE this!”

“Felt the beautiful vibrations  running through my body during the meditations. So grateful.”

“I’m so thankful for your teaching Kavitha, every class answers the lingering questions of previous weeks and gives me a very deep understanding of the unfolding I’m witnessing.”

Recommended Reading:

Shakti Rising, available for purchase here. Other reading resources will be provided in the course.

Foundational Practice:

The various contemplations and exercises of this course will be rendered more effective and impactful in the context of a daily, committed meditation practice. If you already have a daily practice, please keep up with it. If not, the free Bliss Meditation Course is highly recommended.


Scholarships are available on an as-needed basis. Please apply here.

Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers

Our courses, both live and self-study, can be used towards Yoga Alliance Continuing Education requirements for all RYTs already registered with Yoga Alliance. Go here for how to upload your hours. 

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