Kālī Mahāvidyā: Self-Study

She’s playing in my heart.
Whatever I think, I think Her name.
I close my eyes and She’s in there
Garlanded with human heads.

Common sense, know-how-gone,
So they say I’m crazy. Let them.
All I ask, my crazy Mother,
Is that You stay put. 

Ramprasad cries out: Mother, don’t
Reject this lotus heart You live in
Don’t despise this human offering
At Your feet.

–  Ramprasad Sen

From: Grace and Mercy in her Wild Hair: Selected Poems to the Mother Goddess

Translated by Leonard Nathan and Clinton Seely

In this self-study course, we delve deep into the adoration and vidyā (wisdom) of Kālī, the first Mahāvidyā (Great Wisdom). Utilizing the Kālī yantra as a reference point, we explore the history, iconography, practice, and higher understanding of this great goddess. Importantly, this course will provide the basis for meeting Kālī in our day-to-day mundane life. 

Who is this dark, fierce goddess? What is the significance of her iconography? Why is she the prototypical Mahāvidyā? What is a Mahāvidyā, anyway? What is with all the blood and gore, and how is all this relevant to our life and spiritual practice? These are some of the many questions we will explore in this course, every day inching a little closer to the great goddess until we are ready to offer up our necks to her raised sword.                             

This course includes downloadable yantra diagrams that the participant can color  as a sādhanā. 

Please note that there will be no initiation or transmission of the Kālī mantra, which should always be received from the guru via a one-on-one relationship.  

Prerequisites for this course include:

1. A reading of Shakti Rising by Kavitha Chinnaiyan (New Harbinger Publications, 2017) PLUS

2. Either the Shakti Rising Course, which is available at a 50% discount (link provided upon enrollment) or the online Mahāvidyā Retreat.

Course Logistics:

This is a self-study course. New lessons are released every day for 10 days. Lessons include class videos and audios, homework, and extensive supplementary materials.

Cost: $299

Limited number of scholarships are available. Apply here to be considered.

Artwork: Kavitha Chinnaiyan

Course Reviews

It is mind-blowing and eye-opening… Some shift in everyday perspective happened for me, and moment-to-moment life is just different noticing so many things and aspects of my own being, which I wasn’t able to do before. More understanding of the Reality came into my life… 

This has been a wonderful and intensive course with a lot of information and practical applications that I truly enjoyed. Moreover, it was a great way to be introduced to the mysterious Kali and clear any previous misconceptions.

The material was presented really explicitly and it altered somehow the way I perceived some things, at levels I did not consider before. Thank you very much for that.

I felt a deep shift through the 10 days. It was a crescendo as i learned to see and seek Her through your stellar guidance… 

I must have done something good since Devi decided I was worthy of taking your course. Thank you for deciding to share your knowledge and experience with us and for offering this deep insight into this truly beautiful path. I feel that you have definitely reached your goal of facilitating me to meet Kali.

The course has given me exactly what I needed (without knowing I was looking for it). Kavitha‘s teaching, full of grace and clarity, has opened my heart to Kali. Ever so thankful for this offering.

Through this course, a shift has occurred in my understanding of Kālī from a model for female strength and worthiness to a force of radical spiritual liberation beyond any kind of identification such as gender. It feels freeing. I have very much enjoyed the in-depth explanations on the yantra. My whole view on spiritual progress has changed. I now believe in the possibility of a radical choice to move out of self-diminishing views linked to past trauma. So thank you very much!

I am very grateful that I was able to do this course. Breath meditation has changed my life. There is more awareness of emotions and slowing down in daily actions. I observe that I act differently and do things that I did not dare to do before. I also notice breakthroughs and changes in the emotional state.

The transmissions of these teachings are doing something to me which I can’t put into words.

This course had a huge impact on my sadhana and my devotion to Mahā Devī.

I have more self-acceptance as I’ve been going through some deep emotional releases. I have a different outlook on the world around me. Life is more of an adventure now. My meditations are also deeper.

It was illuminating about Kali and how to relate to her.

This course has helped me to draw closer to Kālī.

Thank you also for the class meditations and the focus on breathing. I am taking this element and adding it to my Sadhana specifically. It’s like a whole new level of awareness.

Appreciating the direct honest path to Ma Kali.

This course has deepened my perspective of the Shakta path, strengthened my practice, and pushed me further into self inquiry and scrutiny. I feel very blessed to have had Kavitha as a guide.

My relationship with time is changing, as a result my energy levels are improving. My contemplation of unity awareness feels more intimate now that I am seeing Kali’s time as the driver of all manifestation. My experience of the pause between the breaths has become much more nuanced. Until now I thought it impossible that one might ever be able to perceive an experience before the thought about it was fully formed, but that is changing, as is my ability to extract the rasa out of whatever I am doing. Thank you for your amazing teaching, Kavithaji.

It’s helped to ground me in an understanding of Kālī, and it’s begun to shape what worship of her means and can feel like. I feel now I have more resources for worship of and relationship with Ma Kālī.

This class is helping me create a deeper Kālī sadhana. I’ve read books and taken webinars with other teachers, but learning from Kavitha is a whole different level of experience. There is such a deep embodied knowing that Kavitha imparts, well rounded between theory and practice. I will be meditating with the yantras, the Kālī Dhyānam stotram, and I want to go deeper with Kālī’s sadhana. I feel that now I have at least a path to begin.

 I must say I feel a bit high, hungry, inspired, so happy just to be in the right place at the right time, also I feel IN LOVE with it all. Thank you forever.

I know so much more about Kālī and her significance in the world and life. It’s fascinating and feels like a new world has opened up

A deepening of my sadhana and better understanding of this tradition. A confirmation for my practical and pragmatic view and lifestyle.

This course has made me really think about my thoughts and control what comes out of my mouth. My bhakti has increased and I am truly grateful.

The material was presented really explicitly and it transformed the way I perceived some things, at levels I did not consider before. Thank you very much for that.

This has been a wonderful and intensive course with a lot of information and practical applications that I truly enjoyed. Moreover, it was a great way to be introduced to the mysterious Kālī and clear any previous misconceptions. The stotram and the meditations were very powerful and the homework exercises were very revealing. Deep gratitude to have been a part of this course. Thank you.

It was mind blowing and eye opening. I experienced some shifts in everyday perspective, facing many hidden layers of my being which needs to be decluttered. More understanding of the Reality came into my life. Even though I was practicing my dinacarya, I have seen how simple and steady practice can have a far bigger impact on my whole body, mind and soul than complicated rituals or too many practices at once.

I simply want to thank you from the depths of my heart for this offering. I am emotional with the level of resonance I have with this stream of teachings. It’s like coming home. I love the glossary, the practices, how the videos are segmented. This is just amazing womanness in action!

Thank you for such a wonderful course. I feel deeply satisfied as if I’ve come home. Diving deep into Kālī there is so much I don’t know, and yet I’ve met her before. It’s a sensation of remembering.

 I’ve learned so much in this course, and the most beneficial practice has been deep breathing.

I am so happy that through this path I do things I didn’t dare to do before. Life is getting more fun because of this.

 Thank you for making me part of this process. I must say I am happy to find you. Your meditation was very powerful.

I find this course immensely valuable and supportive.


Scholarships are available on an as-needed basis. Please apply here.

Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers

Our courses, both live and self-study, can be used towards Yoga Alliance Continuing Education requirements for all RYTs already registered with Yoga Alliance. Go here for how to upload your hours.