Kālī Mahāvidyā: Self-Study
She’s playing in my heart.
Whatever I think, I think Her name.
I close my eyes and She’s in there
Garlanded with human heads.
Common sense, know-how-gone,
So they say I’m crazy. Let them.
All I ask, my crazy Mother,
Is that You stay put.
Ramprasad cries out: Mother, don’t
Reject this lotus heart You live in
Don’t despise this human offering
At Your feet.
– Ramprasad Sen
From: Grace and Mercy in her Wild Hair: Selected Poems to the Mother Goddess
Translated by Leonard Nathan and Clinton Seely
In this self-study course, we delve deep into the adoration and vidyā (wisdom) of Kālī, the first Mahāvidyā (Great Wisdom). Utilizing the Kālī yantra as a reference point, we explore the history, iconography, practice, and higher understanding of this great goddess. Importantly, this course will provide the basis for meeting Kālī in our day-to-day mundane life.
Who is this dark, fierce goddess? What is the significance of her iconography? Why is she the prototypical Mahāvidyā? What is a Mahāvidyā, anyway? What is with all the blood and gore, and how is all this relevant to our life and spiritual practice? These are some of the many questions we will explore in this course, every day inching a little closer to the great goddess until we are ready to offer up our necks to her raised sword.
This course includes downloadable yantra diagrams that the participant can color as a sādhanā.
Please note that there will be no initiation or transmission of the Kālī mantra, which should always be received from the guru via a one-on-one relationship.
Prerequisites for this course include:
1. A reading of Shakti Rising by Kavitha Chinnaiyan (New Harbinger Publications, 2017) PLUS
2. Either the Shakti Rising Course, which is available at a 50% discount (link provided upon enrollment) or the online Mahāvidyā Retreat.
Course Logistics:
This is a self-study course. New lessons are released every day for 10 days. Lessons include class videos and audios, homework, and extensive supplementary materials.
Cost: $299
Limited number of scholarships are available. Apply here to be considered.
Artwork: Kavitha Chinnaiyan
Course Reviews
Scholarships are available on an as-needed basis. Please apply here.
Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers
Our courses, both live and self-study, can be used towards Yoga Alliance Continuing Education requirements for all RYTs already registered with Yoga Alliance. Go here for how to upload your hours.