February 20

Dialogue with Forgiveness


 February 20

(The following arose from explorations in inquiry of the nature of forgiveness and its relationship to opening to one’s true nature. The process of this inquiry will be delved into in a later post. This lesson in forgiveness was a breakthrough, a simple, clear seeing of truth that arose after working on it for many months.  What remains when stuff is forgiven is love. And infinite peace.)

Forgiveness appeared in inner vision,
While resting in the fullness of silence.
Settling softly in misty presence,
“Ask anything,” she gently coaxed.

Bowing humbly to this divine being
“What is your nature?” I shyly asked.
“Please tell me your deepest secrets,
And why it is that I should know you.”

Throwing a beatific glance she began,
“What I am is like a two-way door,
That swings between Doing and Being
And holds the keys to peace and love.”

“From Doing you will stumble upon me.
As you strive to push your way through,
I will give in when you give up pushing,
And thus you will find yourself in Being.

From Being you will see me as well,
But only as a mirage in your own self
Hence through me you will find,
Love and peace have forever been here.

“How will you appear to me”, asked I
“Viewed thus through Being’s eye?”
“You will find me as perfection”, said she
“In all that has been and will ever be.”

“When you have found me in earnest,
You will be willing to have your heart broken
As many times as it is needed
To return to yourself as pristine Being.

You will find it could not have been,
Any different, from this eye of Being
Nothing is yours and can never be,
Knowing this you will return to Doing.

Passing through me yet again,
Doing, for you, will be forever changed.
And I as the mirage will here cease,
Never to appear in Doing or Being.”

As I bowed low, she rose again,
Her laughter dissolved in fragrant mist.
The door that was just thus seen,
Melted away in the vastness of Being.

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