February 20

The Key


 February 20


The one I was searching for,
Is lending itself to sweet discovery;
Finding that the one that looked,
Was itself the goal and the journey.

Nothing new needed adding,
Nothing lessened by taking away;
Being has for an eternity been,
Waiting patiently to be seen.

Ever pure and ever loving,
Holding all in sacred embrace,
Being stands still and aware,
Letting the doer think and play.

This I am, this pure Being!
Not in the moment or in the now;
Forever at peace and divinely serene,
I am this moment and this now.

Past and future are but concepts,
As I revel as this pure Being.
Pain and joy color me not
As doing dissolves into being.

Allowing all to arise as they do,
Meeting the mystery of this now;
Seeing all this to be but me,
I remain forever untainted and free.

Breaking out of a prison at last,
I found it had always been unlocked.
For that elusive key had I searched,
When lo and behold, it was in me.

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