November 24



 November 24

How fickle is this mind, my Lord
That even in Thy divine presence
It cannot rest for long in peace?

How strong is this I-sense, Krishna
That while knowing to be the non-doer
It continues to assert it’s separateness?

How feeble is this heart, my Beloved
That while seeing the futility of seeking
It continues it’s search here and there?

How shaky is this faith, O Bhagavan
That knowing impermanence to be Truth
It is driven to question Thy Divine Will?

What can I ask of You, my Keshava?
For You are the very Source of asking.
Yet I plead and beg of Thee..

Give me rock-like steady faith
Such that through thick and thin
It wavers not like a flame in the wind

Give me such one-pointedness
That in every in and out breath
You consume my very heart and head

Devour me in Your blinding light
So that all remnants of I and mine
Burn to embers and ashes fine

May I see Your form in all forms
Hear Your Name in all names
And feel Your essence in all things

I beseech You, my divine Beloved
Even while it is plain to see
You are the cause of this angst and joy,
Which is but Your playful glee.

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